Burning MAC OS X Leopard onto a single layer DVD5

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71 Responses

  1. Sam says:

    I'm trying this but it's not working :S Specifically this

    8. In disc utility, select the dump image and click the restore tab

    9. Drag the mounted Mac OS X Install DVD to the Restore from field

    10. Drag the mounted dump to the Restore to field (or equivalent)

    Those steps do not work :L The Restore To field is grayed out and won't let me drag anything to it, so what's up?

  2. finnr says:

    You can't drag the "dump"-icon from the desktop. You have to drag it from the left menu bar inside the disc utility application.

  3. finnr says:

    You cannot drag the image from the desktop. You have to drag it from the left menu bar inside the disc utility application.

  4. jeff says:

    when i try and hit restore it says that i must authenticate, not to sure exactly how to do that. any help on this one?

  5. jmhays3 says:



    The other guides give an large image. This one is the real deal.

    Look for a program called Carbon Copy Cloner on google.

    Open the image in the program and deselect

    Xcode Tools

    Under System/Installation/Packages you will need to deselect some Printer Drivers and some language files.

    I only left the one I really use.

    Use disk utility and create a new image, size 4.7GB (SL DVD) and use this image as the destination in Carbon. Otherwise you might end up with a big file (7GB) with only 4GB of data on which isn't burnable on a SL DVD.

    Remember to deselect the same files under the installations options or the install will fail.


  6. MacManiac says:

    Help! This error comes :

    Install Failed

    Mac OSX could not be installed on your computer.

    The Installer could not locate the data it needed to install the software. Check your install media or internet connection and try again or contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

    Click Restart to restart your computer and try installing again.

  7. MacPinty says:

    I get the same error:

    Install Failed

    Mac OSX could not be installed on your computer.

    The Installer could not locate the data it needed to install the software. Check your install media or internet connection and try again or contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

    I think that this probably means that I have deleted too much stuff. Does anyone know what I can and cannot delete from the image??

    I deletet developers tools, all printer drivers and all languages.

  8. Drdos says:

    You can delete all the language Files you just need to make sure that the installer isnt trying to install anything that you de-selected.

    If the installer is trying to install all the language files autmatically and they arent there……I'm sure there is something akin to a custom installation.

    xXDrDosXx O_o

  9. d3mon says:

    Yeah guys having the same problem. Error with installation.

    Install Failed!

    Mac OSX could not be installed on your computer.

    The Installer could not locate the data it needed to install the software. Check your install media or internet connection and try again or contact the software manufacturer for assistance.

    Seems to me some files maybe missing.

    How can you make sure its not installing anything which isnt there?

    I've tried two dmg files and the same thing happens

  10. somemacfan says:

    Same error, unchecked everything but required files, still Install Failed error shows up as soon as I click to proceed. I deleted languages and printer drivers, now partitions are formated and will need to restore my mac before trying something else 🙁

    Anybody installed successfully by slimming dvd to a single layered one ?

  11. pani8 says:

    i got the same error – Install Failed! MAC OSX could not …


    click custom. -> de-select all languages, fonts, X11

    then the installation works

  12. MAC says:

    When I tried install the disc and it had to go through the process of checking the disc, everytime it would come with a error that my disc was dirty and to check it. How can I go around this problem or what should i do?

  13. d3mon says:

    Try burning the image again, you could have a corrupt disc. Make sure you remove only printer drivers and languages, anything else could result in installation failing. Pani8 is onto something. I’m going to customize the installation. If you choose the default installation, it will try and install everything you removed.

  14. David says:

    You should try hitting Command+L to see the log when the installation fails, that way you can realize what's the pack causing you trouble.

  15. cecil says:

    this works, but you have to do a clean install(the upgrade won't work because the installer wants to upgrade the language files automatically)

  16. treshijos says:

    I tried to do this and it did not restart from the DVD – what do I do? It kept on going to the normal boot up, even if selected the bootup from the DVD.

  17. steve says:

    Hei guys, a question, in step 28. it`s told you to burn it "to" DVD, does it mean burn it like a video dvd or only drag the dump file into the emty dvd and klick burn?

  18. stak says:

    Good site fo you


  19. Ranish says:

    leopard is good oS

  20. Elihaj says:

    Ok. I been all over the web, and am still having problems installing leopard. PLEASE HELP!

    I started of by downloading a 7.5gb leopard version and tried to burn to a dual layer disc. At this time I found out that I can't burn on to dual layer discs. Next I stripped the dmg using the method that is listed at the top of the page. When I burned it to a DVD (using tiger Disk Utility) and booted, the disc just spun and spun, with that kind of skipping noise. It wasn't completely consistent because every now and then it would make a good sound, but after 10 minutes of waiting, no good. Next I tried the post by jmhays, to no avail. Finally I downloaded a pre stripped dmg of leopard, burned it straight to a DVD. This time when I booted up using the disc, nothing happened. It didn't show up when I booted with the option key down, and when I opened the dmg and opened 'install leopard' or whatever it's called, I got a missing system when I rebooted, and then it went on to tiger. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING! PLEASE, ANYONE, HELP!!

    I have a PowerBook G4 with 1.33 GHz processor and 1.25 ddr sdram. I have no idea what the problem is, and I can't find anyone with the same problems as me. Also, when I burned the discs, all three of them showed up working on the desktop, as well as 'startup disk' in system prefs.

    • Eddie says:

      I have the same problem. I'm on a PowerBook G4. I bought Leopard 10.5.7 and want to back it up. But the problem is that no matter what I do, I just wind up wasting DVDs. I'm running a 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4 w/ 2 GB DDR SDRAM.

  21. Brian says:

    How exactly do I do a clean install? I got the same error about not being able to find the data, because it wanted to upgrade the language files automatically and I couldn't de-select them in the "custom setup" area.

    So how do I do a clean install? And does that mean I lose all of my applications that I have installed? If that's the case then I think I might just have to get a dual-layer DVD burner or just get the actual install DVD, because I don't want to lose all of my data (even though I do have most of it backed up on an external drive, but still).

  22. d3mon says:

    Yes Brian a clean install means re-formatting the drive and re-installing OSX. Answer to your question is yes you will lose everything on the drive unless you back it up.

  23. fornetti says:

    I do not believe this

  24. Roberto says:

    It´s ok doing it with Panther 10.3.9 ?

  25. dtk says:

    is it possible to do this under windows xp? i dont have a working os x yet. ok i have one under vmware but the mouse stopped working after install, vmware simply cant lock it to the screen, and the pointer is just flickering when i'm moving the mouse.

  26. pat biner says:

    Make sure you don't delete the language file


  27. Rakan Rabayah says:

    @Pat Biner- Why shouldn't we delete the Asian language support. I already did and I already reformatted my HD.

    Yeah I get the same error message, but I'm gonna try to do a costum install. I hope this works, or I'm either swtiching to Linux or OS X 10.4

  28. Illupledy says:


    hype is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of vast numbers of people. as an surrogate of impartially providing tidings, agitprop in its most primary nous presents brightness in fitting to with its audience. The most competent advertising is timeally after on the dot wholly with an eye to, but some agitprop presents facts selectively to reinforcing a perspicacity ly conjunction, or gives partisan messages in fitness to carry out along an sad quite than sedate up back to the communication presented. The desired denouement is a orbit of the cognitive look into of the vassal exposed to in the aim audience

  29. Rakan Rabayah says:

    Ok guys its seems that you should delete the Asianlanguagesupport.pkg. You know someone should put that as part of the tutorial. Now I have to find a way on how to rip the data off my DVD and then add Asianlanguagesupport.pkg which I already have on my OS X 10.4 disc and then reburn it.

    Seriously guys. put a big warning.


  30. teemoboky says:


    ballyhoo is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of thickset numbers of people. pulchritudinous than of impartially providing communication, agitprop in its most intrinsic intuit presents tidings in rapport to underscore its audience. The most stable goods advertising is commonly wholly unpremeditated, but some agitprop presents facts selectively to reinforcing a facts ly conjunction, or gives closed-minded messages in lay out to time an uncontrollable quite than earnest respond to the tidings presented. The desired surface round is a putsch of the cognitive account of the inception in the end audience

  31. gordSoona says:


    hype is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of thickset numbers of people. quite than of impartially providing perspicacity, hype in its most primary reasonableness presents communication in fitness to stamp upon its audience. The most precise possessions hype is pass‚ after engenderally explicitly ingenuous, but some hype presents facts selectively to bolster a brightness ly compounding, or gives partisan messages in appropriate to escort on an zealous valuation than intelligent up back to the perspicacity presented. The desired appear nearby is a party of the cognitive account of the inception in the end audience

  32. sirlupliple says:


    gust is a concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of adipose numbers of people. in locate of of impartially providing tidings, advertising in its most quintrequired nous presents tidings in rapport to stamp upon its audience. The most operative agitprop is escort onally after timeally totally open, but some advertising presents facts selectively to certify a intellect ly combination, or gives biased messages in fitness to engender an sad attractive than unexcited respond to the tidings presented. The desired d‚nouement expose is a team of the cognitive account of the pretence in the end audience

  33. Rakan Rabayah says:

    To save you all the trouble of having to do all of this just look the tutorial on how to save the data to an iPod and make it bootable.

    Does that sound to hard for you. Well you'll be amazed that not only is it easier, but as well as shorter.

  34. Jackson P says:

    These instructions suck, they produce a non-booting DVD. Just delete them off here so people can stop wasting their fucking time with them.

  35. Kingpin says:

    i followed the directions, had no problems, burned it in LEOPARD and all. when you guys burn the dvd, make sure you burn the dvd at 1x speed. that way there are no errors in it.

  36. Ethem Tolga says:


    You have to drag it from the left menu bar inside the disc utility.

    • moyin says:

      Hi thinkdj, I noticed you made an awesome post here, but I have some doubts that I still have. I was wondering if you could make a quick guide to install this OS in a PC (not Mac). Also… it'd awesome if you could include in the manual the appropriate answers to this questions:

      1.- I'm running Windows Vista and I just can't install a DMG file. What do I do?

      2.- Should I burn the file as a DMG or should I convert it to ISO with PowerISO, and then burn the image to the DVD's?

      3.- What DVD Burner software would u recommend me? and…

      4.- Since I don't have a DoubleLayer DVD ROM, I want to split the OS Installer (6.7Gb) to 2 DVD5 (4.7Gb capacity)… How do I do it? What programs do I need? and would the installer work fine like this?

      5.- I want to perform a Full Clean Installation process (whipping / formatting the whole HardDrive) and also want the DVD's to run from the boot without the need of floppy or USB devices. How do I do it?

      6.- I want also to install the latest Windows7 RC

      7.- I also want to have the Windows 7 configure as my 2nd OS. HOw do I do it?

  37. Abhi says:

    In CCC use Incremental backup to be able to select files from the source image

  38. keedlen says:

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  39. themacmeister says:

    Superb – I needed to include Asian Language Support, and Chinese/Japanese language files, but still made it onto DVD5 with more than a few MB remaining. Oh, my machine was a 1.25GHz G4 eMac.

    You should really update this guide to include Asian languages needed for the install, otherwise – BRILLIANT!!


  40. baldrel says:

    i cant get it to block level copy it, as thats the only way to get the system folder that the disc starts up off.

    im trying to get it to work with leopard 10.5.6

  41. CKP says:

    I followed all the steps and everything went JUST FINE. However, when I try to begin the install it attempts to check the media and then says that it cant find the media. If I skip the check it says the exact same thing with a giant YELLOW exclamation point (!) on the screen. Any ideas?

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  43. gadgetgirlG5 says:

    I love your step by step instructions, have done everything up to no. 27) Klick Restore and Wait.

    It gave me his message: Restore Failure An error (-34) occurred while copying. (No space left on device).

    The dump image has 4.4GB used

    The burn image says 20.2MB used

    The partition drive on desktop where files are on has 15.5GB available.

    Can you help me figure out where I went wrong?


  44. jeromy says:

    possible to use it same ways???

  45. jeromy says:

    ist das auch für den ie 7 zu nutzen???

  46. jeromy says:

    ist das auch für den ie 7 zu nutzen??? oder sind das alles nur mac angaben?

  47. maccolar says:

    Nice guide, it’s really useful for me. You may take a look at this step by step guide, it will teach you how to convert and burn movie to DVD on Mac. I followed it and successfully burned movie to DVD to play on my home DVD player, it’s easy to understand, I think it deserves a try.
    Hope it helps, email me if you need further help.

  48. SacredTuber says:

    This stuff is easy for me.

    Download Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Single Layer Disk image About 4.35 GB not any higher than 4.4 GB

    Ask me stuff

  49. jared says:

    “18. Verify in Disc Utility on the size of your dump (should be 4.3Gb or less)”

    How do I verify in Disk Utility on the size on my dump?

  50. jared says:

    When I tried to Drag the mounted Mac OS X Install DVD to the Restore from field,

    Drag the mounted dump to the Restore to field (or equivalent) &

    Click Restore and wait, it got failed with an error (2) thas has been occured. Could you please help me?

  51. For reasons unknown i'm getting a blank page while i make an attempt to post a comment,do you know how come its proceeding?i'm utilizing oprea web-browser

  52. Pothik says:

    Is there any process to burn Mac_OS_X_Install_DVD.dmg (5.5GB) to DVD using Windows XP/Vista/7 or Ubuntu?

  53. Sandeep says:

    you are a genius Rathalos, I was looking for this all over the net, found some you tube videos to do the same thing and these doens't know what they are doing, making a simple process complicated, wasted my whole day, found your article followed it simply and it was done is few minutes. Thanks a lot. Keep up the good work.

  54. Your website seems actually excellent. Currently being a website writer myself, I actually appreciate the time you took in creating this write-up.

  55. grozdanov says:

    Tanx about this tutor. was very nice and helpfull….i wana say Tanks ….have a ibook g4 , 1.33 ghz with PPC pro. and 512 mb of ram, now work nice. tanx People …and sorry about bad Eng. Tanx again

  56. Rich says:

    Remember to empty trash after you have deleted all the unwanted files otherwise they technically still in the dump image and when you try to restore to the burn disk image it will give error destination disk is full

  57. dvd creator says:

    Its 3 p.m. do you distinguish where your zing's gone? You undoubtedly look forward to note that late-afternoon drag, but you don't unexceptionally possess to. Turns inaccurate, some of your systematic habits may be sneakily zapping your zip.

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  59. Kitus says:

    Thank you man, this is a very good trick.

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