Category: Websites

Nubes 1

Enterprise Nube: Cloud based solutions for digital enterprise

Subshash Dhar, Ex-Infosys Council Member has gone ahead and started his own venture -  Enterprise Nube.  The key area EnterpriseNube focuses on would be ‘digital enterprises’ where the ‘off-the-shelf’ sachets or Nubes will come with innovative...


Tumblr Continues Growth at a Phenomenal Rate

Tumblr, the social media network made up of millions of personal and business blogs, is seeing massive traffic growth. Activity and page impressions of Tumblr blogs rocketed over the first half of last year and reached...


Facebook’s new “Buy with Friends” feature

Facebook is going to launch a new program “Buy with Friends” which will allow people to share purchases and deals with their Facebook friends according to Debra Liu, the Commerce Marketing Manager of FB. She’d announced...


PlentyOfFish Gets Hacked was hacked last week, and e-mails, usernames and passwords of some users were compromised – Plentyoffish CEO Markus Frind revealed in his blog post. Apparently, an Argentinian hacker got into the site’s backend database through...


Paypal to change User Agreement for Indians, again.

As part of our commitment to provide a high level of customer service, we would like to give you a 30-day advance notice on changes to our user agreement for India. With effect from 1 March...


Cityville beats Farmville on Facebook

When Cityville was released, it got over 60,000 users within the first 20 days. As of today, Farmville has a total user count of 13,357,004 and Cityville has raced it with 16,778,004 online users. The sudden...


Cityville Is Zynga’s Fastest Growing Game

Cityville – Zynga’s latest game managed to grab 300, 000 players in the first 24 hours of its launch! Cityville is now officially the fastest growing game to come out from Zynga’s stables. Zynga’s earlier hit...


Facebook Profiles: A New Look

Facebook has begun to provide an option [ Change it from here ] to upgrade your FB profile to the new look. Have a look at the features before upgrading as there is no option to...


Facebook Messages is here. Email. Text. Chat.

The speculation behind Project Titan was right. Facebook has made it official. Get ready for your own address. So what’s special with Facebook Messages? It incorporates email, FB messages, SMS, other chat clients, all in...


Project Titan: Facebook’s Gmail Killer?

A rumor has been passing around that Facebook is all set to release a web based email client (Project Titan) the coming Monday (Nov 15,2010) at their “Web 2.0 Summit” The Facebook Web 2.0 Summit would...