Category: Wordpress


One WordPress theme for unlimited sites

DivThemes has come out with divFinite, a professional looking simple and clean wordpress blog theme. divFinite comes with a lot of backend options (you can see the backend sample image on their site) which makes anything...


Decrease load on your wordpress blog with WP-Supercache

You must have seen it mentioned at many a places. The WP-Supercache plugin by Donncha is indeed effective in bringing down the load on your server. This comes especially handy if you are hosted on a...

WordPress 2.6 released 1

WordPress 2.6 released

WP 2.6 is out early, almost a month ahead of schedule. Version 2.6 “Tyner,” named after jazz pianist McCoy Tyner, contains a number of new features that make WordPress a more powerful CMS like tracking changes...


WordPress Image watermark plugin

Marekki’s Watermark Plugin for WordPress inserts your logo or text in your wp-upload pictures. You can watermark in two different ways. Insert watermark while a picture will be uploaded, or Insert watermarks on all chosen pictures...

Auto delete old posts – WordPress Plugin 34

Auto delete old posts – WordPress Plugin

Auto Delete Posts is a plugin to automatically delete posts after a set expiration date. The plugin deletes all posts regardless of category that are older than a set expiration date. [Source] The expiration is set...


WordPress translate Widget

Translate Widget for WordPress It adds little flags to your sidebar, which will take you to a translation of the current blog page. It uses Google Translate, but removes the frame, so it looks quite nice!...


WP-ShortStat plugin : Blog Statistics

Get statistics like visitor’s browser type, OS, total hits etc. from the admin panel of your wordpress blog with WP-Shortstat plugin. Wiki page for WP-ShortStat Direct Download for WP-ShortStat


WordPress Contact Form with AntiSpam Challenge

Add a contact form on your wordpress blog. The advantage of this particular plugin is that it comes with an anti-spam challenge question. This means no spam mails in your inbox from bots. Download the WordPress...


WordPress Related YouTube Videos Plugin

YouTube Related is a wordpress plugin that shows related videos from youtube, based on the tags you’ve provided in Simple Tags Plugin. What does the plugin do? It Integrates with “Simple Tags Plugin” for WordPress (modify...


WordPress custom login plugin

Ever wished you wanted a unique looking login for your blog than the plain old school blue themed wp-login ? Well.. good news! binarymoon has a great plugin that lets you change the look of the...