Category: Offbeat News


The World’s Most Expensive French Fry

A unique ‘limited edition’ french fry called the’Lincoln Fr’ contains the profile of Abraham Lincoln (sort of!) and has appeared in a McDonald’s ad in the 2005 Super Bowl. It has been auctioned on eBay and...


10 things to do before you die – eBay

10 heart-thumping, hair-raising, adrenalin-pumping experiences you wouldn’t want to miss. And you can win them for just Rs.1* each. #Bid on one/more experiences #Track the bidding action and raise your bid has come up with...


$9214 ebay bid for AOL 1.0 Startup disk

Todd Farmer of West Chester, PA, sold his AOL 1.0 startup disc for over $9,000 in an online ebay auction this week. Mr. Farmer explains, “that disc served me well. It’s a 5 1/2″ floppy, double-sided,...

Tokyo skyline from 1969-2004 in 10 seconds 0

Tokyo skyline from 1969-2004 in 10 seconds

Witness the progress of Tokyo’s Shinjuku from 1969-2004. That’s right.. A man took photographs of Tokyo’s Shinjuku from 1969-2004, that’s over 35 years.. and made it into a 10 second clip.. This view is of Tokyo’s...


Bible on supersmall chip

Researchers in Israel say they have succeeded in putting a version of the Bible on a chip smaller than a pinhead. Its 300,000 words in Hebrew were inscribed on a silicon surface at the Haifa Institute...


Sea-monster carcass?

Recently came across the old news of Plesiosaur Carcass Netted in 1977. I found it quite interesting and appealing too.. 😀 On April 25, 1977, a fishing vessel named the Zuiyo-maru of the Taiyo Fishery Company...


MySpace Hoax drove teen to suicide

Megan Meier, a Missouri teen , had committed suicide by hanging herself at age of 13 last year. Recently, her parents learned that the boy she’d been corresponding with on MySpace (the one who unexpectedly began...


The Ubuntu naming convention

Guess there is an alphabetical naming convention for Ubuntu releases. The very first two releases were named Warty Warthog and Hoary Hedgehog (remember ?). Then came Dapper Drake (6.06), the first long-time support release. Then, the...