Category: Google

All news and updates related to the big G


Google Analytics gets a brand new User Experience

Google Analytics gets a brand new look with better user experience. Login to your Analytics account and you should see a “New Version” link on the top right [in closed beta right now]. The roll-out started...


Google Maps 5.0: Next Generation of Mobile Maps

Google has come out with Google Maps 5.0 which features 3D interactions and offline reliability. Google Maps boasts of more than 100 million active users today. The 3D interaction is pretty amazing. You can tilt your...


Whatever happened to Google Wave?

Google wave was supposed to be THE revolutionary product of 2009, which would change the way we communicate and share stuff online. It was even announced by Google that wave would replace traditional email as we...


Chrome OS Beta Might Be Releasing December 2010

Earlier, the Chrome OS was proposed to be released sometime this year. However, at the Web 2.0 summit (November 15 to 17 2010), it was announced that the OS would be releasing in a few months...


Google gives 10% hike, $1000 bonus to employees

Google Inc will give its staff a 10 per cent pay increase, according to website Silicon Alley Insider. The 10% increase would take effect starting January 1, 2011 accross all Google offices. These so-called merit increases...


Turn Off Gmail’s Threaded Conversation View

Google has decided to provide an option to turn off the threaded conversation view which comes by default on Gmail. The reason for this move has been a number of posts on the forum, expressing the...


Google Image Search gets a Makeover

You must have probably noticed the redesign for ‘Google Images’ search results. It bears an uncanny resemblance to Bing’s Image search results. Google has indexed more than 10 billion images on world wide web. Densely Tiled...

Google’s 10 User Interface Design Guidelines 1

Google’s 10 User Interface Design Guidelines

User Experience Designer Google Apps, Jon Wiley, outlined some of the most important principles for designing interfaces over at Google. In his presentation at the WritersUA conference, Jon listed the following guidelines: 1. Useful: focus on...