Category: Microsoft


Microsoft StartKey – Windows on a USB

Microsoft has been working on a new product known as “StartKey” — that will allow users to carry their Windows and Windows settings with them. StartKey isn’t just for USB sticks; it also will work on...

Microsoft acknowledges the truth about Vista 2

Microsoft acknowledges the truth about Vista

Microsoft finally publicly acknowledged what most of us have known all along. It blinks and reduced the price of Vista, while acknowledging the fact that Vista sales is poor in retail segment. The main segment of...


‘Yahoo or not, the Web is hot’ says Gates

SEATTLE: Microsoft Corporation plans to invest heavily in Web search to compete against Google Inc, even if it fails to acquire Yahoo Inc, the company’s chairman Bill Gates said. “We can afford to make big investments...


Microsoft shows off Web Ad prototypes

Microsoft Corp.’s online advertising researchers will spend this year teaching computers to be smart about sticking ads into video clips, and to be even smarter about targeting ads to specific Web surfers. Microsoft showed off a...


If we don’t buy it, then Google will

Microsoft has been sniffing around Yahoo for the last 18 months, but the twain could never quite agree on a fair deal in private. Microsoft has made a $44.6bn takeover bid for Yahoo!. “Today this market...

Microsoft puts old Office code on web 3

Microsoft puts old Office code on web

Microsoft has made technical information for its older binary Office document formats available for download following pressure from participants in the ongoing, somewhat fiery, standardization debate. Redmond’s Office programme manager Brian Jones said in a blog...


Microsoft’s Heroes Happen {Here} contest

You work until 3 AM so people can surf the web at 9 AM. You risk your entire reputation on the stability of the backup server. You’re the reason data gets accessed, emails get where they’re...


G-Y-M fined for showing illegal gambling ads

In a case dating back to 1997, the companies have been accused of accepting payments from firms that advertise illegal gambling in the US. Microsoft, Yahoo!, and Google have agreed to pay a total amount of...


Stay off ‘our house’, Google

“Those people are not going to be allowed to take food off our plate, because that is what they are intending to do.” Impassioned words, coming from the chief operating officer of Microsoft, Kevin Turner, at...


Microsoft acquires WebFives

Microsoft has now revealed that they are acquiring the assets of Seattle based internet company WebFives. The financial aspects of the deal have not been disclosed by the two parties. Founder of the company Michael Toutonghi...