Category: Industry


How Google Grows…and Grows…

Below is a great article on Google, taken verbatim from an article in FastCompany Magazine. [ From: Issue 69 | March 2003 | Page 74 | By: Keith H. Hammonds ] If you’re a Google engineer,...


Google on a spending spree

Google’s revenue rose by 58% to $3.87bn, but its profits increased by a more modest 28%, to $925m. This is due to the fact that Google has spent heavily on acquisitions as well as on increasing...


Click fraud rate rises

The latest Click Fraud Index from Click Forensics, which is out today, says that the fraudulent click rate is on the rise. Key findings from data reported for Q2 2007 include: The overall industry average click...


iPhones breaks AT&T record – Over 700,000 sold

Apple has sold more than 700,000 iPhones over the weekend (that is more than what Motorola’s RAZR sold in its first month.) Most of the stores are out of supplies, in US. Apple’s stores in Hawaii,...


Costliest consumer warranty repair in history

Gamers know they have a problem if three red flashing lights appear on their XBox360. Gamers on online forums have been referring to the event as “the Red Ring of Death” because the machine then shuts...


Carlos Helu overtakes Bill Gates as world’s richest man

Times Online reports that Carlos Slim Helu is now worth an estimated $67.8 billion, compared to Bill Gates with a net worth of $59.2 billion. Carlos beat Gates by more than 8 billion net. The Mexican...


Is the new7wonders a scam ?

Flooded with offliners and emails to vote for the Taj Mahal as one of the New 7 wonders, I finally decided to check the n7w out. Here are some interesting points to ponder … Why would...


The source of all it’s riches

Those little ads linked to topics that users are actually interested in – have turned Google into one of the biggest advertising vehicles the world has ever seen. This year, Google will sell $6.1 billion in...


Yahoo vs Google

Susan Decker, Yahoo’s president, Terry Semel and Jerry Yang. By many measures, Yahoo remains one of the most successful companies on the Internet.It attracts nearly 500 million visitors around the world every month to its Web...


Threat to our freedom : Save the internet

“When I invented the Web, I didn’t have to ask anyone’s permission. Now, hundreds of millions of people are using it freely. I am worried that that is going end” – Sir Tim Berners Lee. Freedom...