Be the first to try latest Firefox Add-ons
Want to try out new Firefox Add-ons before anyone else gets to see them? Â Are you great at beta-testing and providing feedback? Â You might be the perfect person to become an “Add-on Editor“. Here is a message from Rey Bango, the Add-ons manager at Mozilla:
“An important part of the success of Mozilla Firefox is it’s ability to customize the web experience using Firefox add-ons. Mozilla is in need of experts in web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML& Â CSS to help in reviewing newly submitted add-ons to AMO, Mozilla’s central hub for add-ons. AMO Editors assist in:
- Reviewing new and updated add-ons to ensure that Mozilla users have a great experience
- Working with developers to improve their add-ons through advice and code suggestions
- Helping Mozilla to develop guidelines to streamline the review process
The role is both challenging and rewarding as you get the opportunity to evaluate the work of top-notch developers from throughout the world and determine how to improve their efforts. If you’d like to contribute to the Mozilla project and gain valuable knowledge& Â experience in the process please apply to become a AMO editor here: