Bringing back the ‘show desktop’ shortcut in XP

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33 Responses

  1. Murali says:

    An useful one. Deleted by mistake sometime back and have not tried recreating it. I have done it now. Thank you.

  2. thinkdj says:

    You're welcome Murali πŸ™‚

  3. Steve says:


  4. Resurrection says:

    Thanks a lot "thinkdj", I can live a much easier life now πŸ™‚

  5. fahad says:


    highly obliged for your support.thank you very much.

  6. Pamela says:

    Thanks a lot, NICE!

  7. Thanks... says:

    Thanks a lot man. that was really helpful!

  8. Jacob says:

    Fantastic information! Thank you very much!

  9. Karthick says:

    thats is awesome,thanks dude

  10. I prefer 2.. says:

    i tried what u said but there is already one of those .scf files out there somewhere on my computer so i did what u said, put it on my desktop and dragged the file onto my taskbar(which created a shortcut to the .scf on my desktop) then i deleted the .scf file on my desktop so the shortcut had nowhere to go to.. so it would search for the original file that is there when you install windows.. and it worked :D.. but major thanks to thinkDJ for i could not have ever figured this out on my own :S.

  11. vimal says:

    thanks. was very useful.

  12. Swami says:

    Works and looks like new – thanks a million!

  13. ayub says:

    thanks for this helpful code,i restore my desktop icon into taskbar.

    thanks again.

  14. Richie says:

    Thankyou so much. Many thanks

  15. Iain says:

    Works a treat, thanks

  16. Destiny says:

    Thank you for the great share. It is very very usuful.

  17. Mig says:

    Thanks … I've been trying to figure that one out for a while, such a great help.

  18. rajesh says:

    thank you for the information.

  19. aatif says:

    thanks buddy its really useful and helping

  20. VINOD JS says:

    Thank u really helps me and also thank u for ur kind service….

  21. John in NC says:

    Worked like a charm. I had manually created a shortcut to the desktop, but it opened as a window of the desktop file not the XP "Desktop." You instructions worked like a charm. My comfort index is now back at a 10. Thank you!

    • Jonathan says:

      Thanks for the tip – any reason not to save the new file on the desktop and simply drag it to the taskbar?

    • Antoinett says:

      Aloha John I am writing you because you posted just 8 weeks ago to this blog about this topic and it worked for you.
      Thus I only have 2 questions about step 4 and step 5. Does it in fact MEAN the LOWER RIGHT hand task bar on the bottom of my computer (XP). when you talk about your quick launch panel???? I am trying to get a desktop icon in this lower right taskbar.
      Here is the post from a person named: "Bologuate" whose post you said "Worked like a charm. I had manually created a shortcut to the desktop, but it opened as a window of the desktop file not the XP "Desktop." You instructions worked like a charm. My comfort index is now back at a 10. Thank you! " I Thank you if you can please take the time to answer me: Here is the post: Whoops it is saying my text is too long. So I will send you the Log below/next. Antoinette

      Accidentally deleted your Show Desktop Icon on the Taskbar ? Here is a way to get back the “Show Desktop” shortcut onto the Quick Launch Panel on the Taskbar in Windows XP :

  22. Jay says:

    Awesome! This worked like a charm! Thanks a lot bud:)

  23. oyo says:

    ur a hero! haha

  24. Nabish Paul says:

    It works…

  25. ABBAS says:



  26. Jeanette Nelson says:

    Wow! This is great!

  27. Wai Verge says:

    This is a wonderful example of professional calibre writing. I follow with avid interest and it keeps me sane when I feel like life is getting on top of me. I have told all my friends about it, and they are all going to visit soon, I'm certain of that. Congrats on your style – it is quite accomplished and merits a large amount of credit, something which many quality authors do not receive enough of. I was wondering, if you could write more often (that's not to say you don't post enough) but I admit that's simply me being greedy. I certainly am very thankful for your posts and I look forward to reading all that you have to say in the future.

  28. Thanks! says:

    Wow! Great information!

    • islandantoinett says:

      Here is the 2nd half of the blog I just wrote you Thank you Antoinette

      Accidentally deleted your Show Desktop Icon on the Taskbar ? Here is a way to get back the “Show Desktop” shortcut onto the Quick Launch Panel on the Taskbar in Windows XP :

      1.Open up notepad or a text editor.
      2.Copy-Paste the following lines of code into a new file[Shell]

      3.Then, save the file as showdesk.scf and move it to some place like windows folder.

      4.Then, Create a Shortcut to the showdesk.scf file.
      5.Finally, just drag and drop the shortcut into your Quick Launch panel or copy-paste it wherever you want it to be.

  29. Jez says:

    this is helpful. thanks!

  30. KAPIL says:


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