Firefox 3 – Password manager gets better

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17 Responses

  1. Jean says:

    What password manager? No sign of it. No sign of my passwords. Won't remember anything now. Firefox with Alzheimers does not seem to an improvement.

  2. thinkdj says:

    Well Jean, It works for me..

    What seems to be your problem ? Cant get the old passwords or it doesn't remember new ones ?

  3. Jean says:

    I know it seems to work for most people, but Firefox3 won't remember passwords, the nice new password thingy has not appeared at any point and I much regret joining in the first night enthusiasm to download 3. I have tried all solutions I have seen posted in 'reliable' lists and got nowhere.

  4. Rich says:

    My Firefox 3.0 gets no slim bar that asks if I wish password remembered.

    Should I reinstall?


  5. thinkdj says:

    Well rich,

    First, just make sure the "remembber passwords" option is indeed on. Goto Tools > Option and Secutity Tab and check "remember p/w for sites" if it is not checked already.

  6. Jean says:

    Mine is on, it always was. Nothing happens though.

  7. Rich says:

    Mine is on.

    It was for previous versions, and continued on with ver 3.0 upgrade.

  8. Tony says:

    I like the password manager, but I seriously dislike the fact that it actively looks for password fields to fill in. If you want my reasons, and an example:

  9. andrew says:

    same problem as jean.. password bar shows up .. cant remember passwords if clicking on save password nothing happens.. bar does not go away unless clicking dont remember and no passwords anymore in password file.

  10. Rich says:

    Still no password manager bar.

    I downloaded 3.0.1 upgrade with the hope for its appearance, but no help.

  11. Martin says:

    I had a problem with Firefox 3.0.1 and some sites and also my router config page not having passwords auto enter.

    After looking in;

    Tools>Options>Security>Saved Passwords and then >Show Passwords

    I noticed I had duplicate entries for these URLs that had old and incorrect passwords saved.

    After removing the duplicates Firefox now enters passwords correctly.

    Hope this helps

  12. Jean says:

    "Tools>Options>Security>Saved Passwords and then >Show Passwords"

    This just stays stubbornly, absolutely, blank.

  13. Spa Tables says:

    Yeah, FF3 is nice, but the new password handler is a major pain. When I go to a web site where different sections of the site have different places to login (say, an administration page and a user-account page), FF can't figure out the difference between them and wants me to fill in which one I mean.

    It thinks all passwords for a website are for any page on that site unlike any other browser, and this is not good. It should have a different password stored for different pages on the same site instead of just storing all the passwords for the domain as a whole and making me choose which one on every page. Huge PITA compared to any other browser (even I.E., bleh!).

    Another problem is that when I go to update my account on any site where I have credentials stored, FF3 auto-fills the password field in the user-account section (which is usually left blank if you're not updating your password). It doesn't fill in the "confirm password" fields though, so it always ends up causing an error on "account update" pages where credentials are stored.

    Not good. This is a major failure on the part of the FF developers, IMO.

  14. Tony says:

    @Spa Tables

    You might want to read the link I provided above – this is NOT a "failure" by the FF developers, it is an INTENTIONAL DESIGN DECISION.

    Just like the new location bar (aka "Awsome bar") which completely sucks if you actually type in URLs, and the new history, which has NO organization tools at all.

    While trying to improve things, they have managed to make Firefox LESS user-friendly, IMO.

  15. jayjay says:

    firefox password manager sucks big time, sometimes it just gets cleared for no apparent reason,


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