Fix 500 Internal server Error on .htaccess

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27 Responses

  1. Aamir Kilwani says:

    Great its really worked

  2. Stefan says:

    Nice, i try it, and it work perfect. Thanks thinkdj

  3. benny says:

    I'm configure with Apache/2.0.63

    From the default loadModule rewrite_module modules/ is disabled by httpd.conf

    If you need to using ".htaccess" file, make notice the is enabled.

    Thank's a lot guyzzz….

  4. HydroMan says:

    Thanks for the tip, I used the following method instead of editing the httpd.conf file.

    As an alternative to keep the code all tidy you can write the changes to a seperate .conf file. As long as the setting for VHOST is enabled.

    If you have define('VHOST', 'yes'); then you can edit the vhost.conf file usually found in the conf directory of the root. i.e. (depending on your directory structure): /var/www/vhosts/

    then add the following (amend directory structure for your install location)

    Options FollowSymlinks

    AllowOverride All

    Order deny,allow

    Deny from all

    Satisfy all

  5. eGodaddy says:

    This got me closer, but I am still getting a 500 error, having just migrated to Vista x64. 🙁

    I tried using and a few other tricks I found on the Internet, but still fires the error when I rename the htaccess.txt file.

    Any idea, guys?

  6. Ali says:

    Thanls, i work 100%

  7. Ali says:

    Thanks, it work 100%

  8. I was looking for the solution and at last I got it here. thanks guys.

  9. bali car rental says:

    Have the smame problem, I'll try..

  10. Have the same problem, I'll try..

  11. infocity says:

    If your domain is on linux server and you are using cpanel than you can get 500 internal server error if you have wrong directory /files permissions. Directories and folders should be 755


  12. nara_l says:

    Thanks It works like magic.

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  14. vincy says:

    I tried it, but I receive error message like,

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

  15. Reejo says:

    thank u .. it worked

  16. Ranui says:

    Thanks for this. It works perfectly now.

  17. shahmy says:

    Hi Thank You. It's now working in good manner.

  18. defi says:

    thanks.. ^_^

  19. mulankingdom says:

    thanks a bunch!

  20. Amir says:

    wow i thought wtf is this for tut, but it really worked!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Stranger says:

    thanks a lot buddy… i was going crazy about for over 2 weeks..

  22. serai says:

    not working

  23. omarxp says:

    thanks, very helpful, this is what I was looking for.

  24. abir says:

    It did not work , i gonna be crazy :////// please help me
    i use the wamp server
    apach 2.2.17
    i have activated the rewrite module
    and changed the httpd.conf but it still not working !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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