How much is your website worth ?

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16 Responses

  1. Tom says:

    You should also take a look at ; I found it very useful in terms of a website performance. It has some good info on there.

  2. Dylan S says:

    Great job. I didn't expect to see this here. Glad I stumbled upon your site. Well done, bookmarked 😉

  3. Lala says:

    Hi! I have found another website traffic and value estimator site. I'm talking about <a href="” target=”_blank”> . The estimation provided by estimix is the result of a complex analysis based on factors like: the age of the website, the demographic structure of the traffic, the countries where the website is popular and sources of the traffic.

  4. brianG says:

    here s the link for cubestat:
    here is an other one: (this gives much higher value for some reason?!

  5. Rob says:

    Hey, I have found another website traffic and valuation site. . Web Worth can estimate a web sites worth or value, daily ads revenue, daily page views, back links and directory listing

  6. PeekStats says: has a great tool for estimates.

  7. Mike says:

    Thanks for the valuable info, when valuating a website you should also consider as it will give you a value based on every aspect of the fundamentals of a website except for revenue which is the only real way to work out a websites value.

    Monthly revenue times 6-12 depending on brand name, age and content is the true website market value which is why no website estimator online is accurate.

  8. Interesting You have This is sure site. Not bad opinions too. Thanks alot

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  9. Kyle says: is the website value and traffic estimator I personnaly use.

  10. Great site 🙂 I'm very happy I wandered onto it through yahoo, Gonna need to put this one on the old bookmark list…

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  13. You can also try , It uses a different algorithm for calculate website value, obviously just for reference, a professional evaluation is always recommended.

  14. IHATO says:

    My site, was valued at $21, which makes sense for being 9 days old.

    Great tool! Will use again when my site is established.

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