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82 Responses

  1. fdgdfgdsgfsdfg says:

    hi, this message chek for this forum, ya ya!

    hi, this message chek for this forum, ya ya!

  2. chekbazarette says:

    proverka bazy! proverka bazi budet ohuevat', ya otvechayu

  3. Floroskop says:


    I think this try.

  4. DamionKutaeff says:

    Hello everybody, my name is Damion, and I'm glad to join your conmunity,

    and wish to assit as far as possible.

  5. spycrasher says:

    Hi folks

    Just trapped on a little tool to slice website images.

    Quick in preparing ready html from simple single-image site design.

    Program is rather crappy and cheap (especially comparing to similar function in PhotoShop).

    But! Just look what books come as a bonus:

    Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day

    Web Design in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition

    Webmaster in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition


    I wonder how $270 priced books can be sold for just 20 dollars…

    Anyway here's link:

    Hope these books will help you as well.

    PS: Don't forget to click on the links in my signature in reward 😉



  6. Testttyq says:



  7. spycrasher says:

    Hi everybody

    Just trapped on a little tool to slice website images.

    Quick in preparing ready html from simple single-image site design.

    Program is rather crappy and cheap (especially comparing to similar function in PhotoShop).

    But there is a trick! Just look what books come as a bonus:

    Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day

    Web Design in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition

    Webmaster in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition


    I wonder how $270 priced books can be sold for just 20 dollars…

    Anyway here's link:

    Hope these books will help you as well.



  8. Gulzara says:

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  9. drugstore says:

    I am Amanda and I just found this site last night, what a good domain for forum – [i][/i]

    I think that stay here for a long time


  10. Emelia says:

    Special Promotion and Event Currently up and Runnin. Join us on now.

  11. admin_papa says:

    Good Day

    Just wanted to share my new experience.

    If your system fails to start due to an error corresponding to lost HAL.DLL, invalid Boot.ini or any other important system boot files you can repair this by using the XP installation CD. Just boot from your XP Setup CD and enter the Recovery Console. Then launch "attrib -H -R -S" on the C:Boot.ini file and remove it. Run "Bootcfg /Rebuild" and then Fixboot



  12. Impandaattima says:

    test testt

  13. dschibut says:

    I started this thread to evaluate public available web proxies:

    Which are really anonymous?

    Which can unblock facebook, myspace etc, in other words: are fresh ?

    Which would you recommend?

    Thanks for your help,


    P.S.: In my country, the freedom of speech is somehow limited, please give me a hint, if you are not sure about your recommendation.

  14. queerethed says:

    "-You have to see this with your own eyes

    Our program is created for those who want to improve their financial condition, but do not have economic education and are not the financial experts. This builds trust and let our member be at ease even if they recommend us to their friends."

    Laura Kauffmann (SOIC)

  15. Uncoodomold says:

    Sounds like a very interesting concept! I really like your attentions to my impulsive engineer Do you want a joke? 🙂 What do you get when you cross a pit bull with a collie? A dog that runs for help, after he bites your leg off.

  16. vav1lon says:

    çäðàâñòâóéòå, õîòåë áû ïîèíòåðåñîâàòüñÿ, ãäå ìîæíî è ëó÷øå ïðåîáðåñòè ïðîãðàììû äëÿ ðàñêðóòêè ñàéòà?

    íàïðèìåð: äëÿ ðàññûëêè íà äîñêè, â êàòàëîãè è ò.ä.?

    ïîèñêàë ñàéòîâ ìîðå, ÷òî âû áû ïîñîâåòîâàëè(ñàéòû) èëè ñàìè ïðîãðàììû, êàêèå ëó÷øå?

    çàðàíåå áëàãîäàðåí!

  17. jimbomel says:

    Hi people,

    I recently registered to this forum and hope that somebody can

    give me an advice on the forex – I am looking for an introduction

    for beginners. I have already a little knowledge about shares. (Hope this is the right category.)

    Any help is so much appreciated. Most important question: can a noob make money on the forex market?



  18. mrtruckster says:

    Hi forum users and readers I hope you can solve a stupid problem with my computer  

    Im getting a lot of popups when Im browsing the internet, sometimes even when Im not at the computer, I leave it on for

    an hour and when I get back I have 2-3 popups that have appeared from nowhere. How can I remove this? Im really not intrested

    in finding adult friends or downloading a new screen saver 😀 

    Well thats it, stupid problem and I hope that it has a nice easy solution that you can come up with, Im getting all your replays to my email

    so I´ll keep an eye on the topic, take care. 

  19. thinkdj says:

    @ mrtruckster

    Seems ur PC is infected with spyware. Please use some spyware removers to get rid of the spyware.

    (try and get ur system checked to find the spywares infecting your system.. Then get some spyware removers and get rid of them,)

    Also, switch from Internet Explorer to Firefox and you wont have to encounter such problems again/

  20. maxpiut says:

    Hi people,

    just want to introduce myself on, hope this is the right category for that purpose.



  21. HSCharles says:

    I have a flash site

    i'm looking for the script who shows google adsense with flash.

    can you give me the link?

  22. hisiophistelf says:

    Hello. It is test.

  23. insictext says:

    Hey Everyone ! I Love this place

    Great To Share with y'all

  24. BoapWaypota says:

    Hey im new to the forum

    and would like to contribute


  25. HannaB says:

    Едут в купе грузин и влюбленные. Грузин на нижней полке. Парень говорит девушке:

    – Мань, давай я тебя сфотографирую!

    – Давай!

    Ну они позанимались любовью, потом парень бросает вниз презерватив, и попадает на грузина. Ну тот молчит.

    Потом опять:

    – Мань, давай я тебя сфотографирую!

    – Давай!

    Опять парень бросает презерватив и попадает на грузина. Тот опять молчит.


    – Мань, давай я тебя сфотографирую!

    Грузин не выдержал:

    – Еще адин такой нэгатив и я вас всэх сфатаграфирую!

    Выкладывайте и вы свои !!

  26. Gextuarlbelpelp says:

    Hi. I repeatedly be familiar with this forum. This is the head together unequivocal to ask a query.

    How numberless in this forum are references Nautical port behind, artful users?

    Can I worthiness all the communication that there is?

  27. Kayancelern says:

    I am here at a forum newcomer. Until I read and deal with the forum.

    Let's learn!

  28. appottJoggich says:


    Today turn PC and look that my Miranda client don't have contact list, It is very bad. 🙁

    When I login always received message from contact ONE with Notification

    * * * * * * ** * * * *



    System Message


    ICQ version 5.1 is no longer supported. Download a free authorized ICQ version from ICQ's official website.

    You have this problem?

    Please advise I can't send message to my Son 🙁

  29. appottJoggich says:


    Today turn PC and look that my Miranda don't have contact list, It is very bad. 🙁

    When I connected always received message from contact 1 with Info

    * * * * * * ** * * * *



    System Message


    ICQ version 5.1 is no longer supported. Download a free authorized ICQ version from ICQ's official website.

    You have this problem?

    Please advise I can't send message to my uncle. 🙁

  30. williambit says:

    Hi, just registered today, can someone give me some suggestions on which ebooks or guides are good for newbies like me?

  31. Baloinvaria says:

    Hello folks, I just went akross this awesome forum through google and I like the especialy this form. I really like the design and the team does its job verry good.

    I´m Andrew and I´m pleased to be here 🙂


  32. Jonethegjh says:

    I have heard people on the radio who keep talking about how much money they are making with affiliate using a free website called make money with website you can see it here:

    Any thoughts?


    Jony D.

  33. Я практически никогда не сомневался в Вашем интеллектуальном уровне, но поймите, не все такие как Ð’Ñ‹. 🙂

  34. sabrina says:

    I've just joined this site and it looks great.

  35. ExhaphNip says:

    Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.

    I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.

    God will appreciate it.

  36. trepeadnext says:


    Does people here have an openion on where Economic situation is ending?

  37. Baibrealburry says:

    Hi, I've just registered on this forum)) Want to share a cool vodafone commercial, here it is Esta these guys know how to make a great ad))

  38. iluvramgigs says:

    Hey. For all you who missed out on the windows 7 beta download from microsoft, don't worry! Windows 7

    is definetely a succes, with improved memory handling, speed, and a completely new look! Here are the minumum


    These are the Microsoft minimum hardware recommendations for systems that will be running the Windows 7 Beta. These recommendations are specific to the beta release and are subject to change:

    * Processor: 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor

    * Memory: 1 GB of system memory

    * Hard drive: 16 GB of available disk space

    * Video card: Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128MB memory (in order to enable Aero theme)

    * Drive: DVD-R/W drive

    * Internet connection (to download the Beta and get updates)

    To view the full info about this new OS, check out the wikipedia:

    To download the beta, go here:

    To get the key, go here:


  39. kurtjbubble says:

    Hi everybody, just joined today.

    Hello to ya all! 🙂 🙂

  40. Moniboniz says:

    Hello… 😉

  41. Excellent site and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. It's taken me literally 1 hours and 04 minutes of searching the web to find you (just kidding!) so I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  42. Avaifonna says:

    Excellent site and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. It's taken me literally 3 hours and 10 minutes of searching the web to find you (just kidding!) so I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  43. PelePafeway says:

    this spam. If you not wont recive it just remove this post.

  44. Круто. Подпишусь-ка я на РСС пожалуй. 🙂

  45. TonyB says:

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a carpet cleaning business in Houston,TX that was doing pretty good until the economy went bad, and with it my clientele. I have a website for the business but I dont

    know what I have to do the get it to show up in a search. Right now it's somewhere in the yahoo/google netherworld (LOL).

    Is there someone on here that can give me some insight or know of anyone that coud give me insight on how I can get my local website on the front

    page of a Yahoo or Google search to increase my business without it costing me 5 or 10k $$$? If so please share with me.

    I thank you and my hungry over-eating children thank you.


  46. tahAdverAbata says:

    хотел бы узнать, сколько стоит баннер в шапке форуме? и реально ли разместить рекламу?

    если да, то по предложениям о цене прошу в лс.

  47. vikeslittee says:

    Where are you guys from?

  48. monokeeloX says:

    Say saying hi to you guys!

  49. opitiolkids says:

    I'm the only one in this world. Can please someone join me in this life? Or maybe death…

  50. Vowfroppy says:

    I have tried sevral over-the-counter teeth whitening products but have not found one that works well.

    Does anyone have any advise or experience with some of the products offered online? I prefer using a paste solution instead of the strips.

    Thanks in advance…

  51. JohnStryker says:

    American Diversified Holdings Corporation is a publicly traded holding company, headquartered in Del Mar, California. The enterprise was formed for the express purpose of acquiring privately held, fast growing, established companies with proven business models that are within a few quarters of profitability. This model allows ADHC to purchase these entities at a significant valuation discount to the public market and then provide the funding necessary for these acquisitions to achieve maximum profit potential using the public equity markets without impairing their balance sheets. ADHC was formed in early 2007 and listed on the OTC Pink Sheets in the 4th quarter of 2007.

    Outstanding Shares – 21,479,786 as of Feb 28, 2009

    Authorized Shares – 1,000,000,000 as of Feb 28, 2009

    Number of Share Holders of Record – 103 as of Jan 28, 2009

    Float – 73,380 as of Feb 28, 2009

    Looks like a tempting pennystock investment, thats a really tight float for a micro cap. I think these guys own Lasik America too.

    Investor Website:

    It is our long-term strategy to become the preferred buyer for the primary owners and managers of both North and South American early stage growth businesses. The current senior management of ADHC has many years of experience and success, both in the financial community and as directors of public companies to implement this strategy. We have no preference of either industry or geographic focus in our acquisition strategy, but instead look at the economic models and characteristics of each company as well as the vision, experience and success rate of the owners and managers of these acquisitions.

    More information can be found on the Investor'sHub site for ADHC.PK also.…?board_id=…

  52. SypeWaypeve says:

    Sorry moderator but it's very importatnt as i think…

    How do you protects from swine flue?

  53. TumsrosYsons says:

    Tired of a competitor's site? Hinder the enemy? Fed pioneers or copywriters?

    Kill their sites! How? We will help you in this!

    Obstructions of any site, portal, shop!

    Different types of attacks: Date-attack, Trash, Attack, Attack, etc. Intellectual

    You can work on schedule, as well as the simultaneous attack of several sites.

    On average the data, ordered the site falls within 5 minutes after the start. As a demonstration of our capabilities, allows screening.

    Our prices

    24 hours of attack – $ 70

    12 hours of the attack – $ 50

    1 hour attack – $ 25

    Contact via ICQ: 588 666 582

  54. janiceenberg says:

    Hello everyone i am completely new to this forum. Interested in learning many new things. Hope we all will share our knowledge and talk about different concepts in this forum.

  55. Scoockesine says:

    Hello everybody. As title say, I am happy to be here. So much great info!!!

  56. Benjamguns says:


    I am planning on getting the iphone asap. I would like to know a few things about it.

    What are the pros and cons of getting it? Anything would be helpful! I have studied this site ( ) but the information very poor.

  57. Enalsessy says:


    What is the best VPS web hosting company?

    I'm want to set up a web site for a boss.

    What about..



  58. MichaellaS says:

    tks for the effort you put in here I appreciate it!

  59. GiveItToUsRaaaw says:

    "Welcome to the beta test for Valve's anticipated sequel left4dead II" to receive your beta key just enter your email address and you'll receive it in seconds!

  60. Good afternoon everyone,

    I just wanted to share this registry cleaner (RegDefense) with everyone in this forum/website since RegDefense is a free program to download and saves you lots of headache, makes your computer run way faster and smother.

    You can download it for free at:

    Enjoy the software.

  61. peddeldCowKep says:

    Any here??

  62. Jumundji says:

    Tracing a cell phone number – while it may sound like a difficult and time consuming process, the truth is that it is actually quite easy to find out information about the owner of a specific phone number – even an unlisted one. It wasn’t very long ago that the tools needed to lookup the owner of a cell phone were only available to law enforcement officials and private investigators. But today, with the help of reverse cell phone lookup services like, anyone can be a PI. With a reverse cell phone lookup, you will be able to find at least the name and address of the person calling you. That means you can find answers if you are worried about a cheating spouse, a prank caller, and more. Likewise, reverse phone checks are helping many smaller companies retain business from what might have been a missed opportunity.

  63. wastenotwantnot says:

    Hello Dudes,

    Looking for advice about which are the best tooth whitening products to use?

    It is tricky to source the up to date information as far as I can see. this place tells you one thing and a different place informs you something totally different!

    So, I thought the best thing to do is get practical feedback from you people as you might personal experience re this area.

    All information would be really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance folks.

  64. Hydrolyze says:

    Just wanted to say hello all. This is my first post.

    I would like to learn a ton here.

  65. celiaonegirl says:

    A warm greeting to everybody!

    Hello to all,i am a new member of this forum and hope to have a good experience here.

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  67. Stunaraid says:

    interestinggggg :)))……..

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  68. deanmainus says:

    This looks like a really cool place to look around. Nice to meet everyone!


  69. ACCUTLETYPE says:


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  70. Angereetumtig says:

    Sorry, please delete… 🙁

  71. Did you write this on your own? Or did you have someone write it for you? Just asking cause it appears very good.

  72. Joe Boensch says:

    What do you concentrate on natural Teeth lightening do they really work or no? I've read about quite a few but i've never attempted them.

  73. Frodia says:


    ich hoffe hier im Forum kann mir jemand helfen!

    Ich habe versehentlich 27 lieder von meinem Handy verloren. Leider sind die Files nicht mehr im meinem Papierkorb.

    Die Files sind sehr wichtig für mich! Ich würde die gerne wiederherstellen.

    Wer kennt ne Seite auf der ich Infos dazu finde, wie ich die Daten retten kann??

    Vielen Dank schonmal für eure Antworten


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