Movie releases scheduled for 2008

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10 Responses

  1. stacey g says:

    I feel that Spielberg and Lucas trick f'd us- Inidana Jones- crystal skull was ridiculous. It cheapened the entire series. I think they banked on hitting it big because of the name- but the story line was weak and dumbed up the characters.

    Adam Sandlers movie- the Zohan- another reason why he should stop making films. Was not funny at all but really gross to wat5ch. Should have been rated R- not suitable for children.

    VERY disappointed with this years movies so far. It's like Hollywood cant get it right anymore.

  2. sdfijpsaoidf says:


  3. Rosie Khan says:

    Vince Vaughn is one of the best comedians today, he is also a very good looking guy.;`~

  4. Molly Liddie says:

    For awhile,I believed i was afraid Star Trek was a dying franchise. Then JJ Abrams came along. Great touch. The scene with kid Kirk was a little too quirky in the movie, nevertheless it was hot in the movie trailer. Star Trek XI breathed new life into this favorite Roddenberry world. I'd like to see all of this Enterprise cast return for further outings. I was raised with the classic series. Heck, my father got us a color TV just so we could look at Star Trek every Friday night. At this moment, I'm stuck on these new actors. In MHO, they have breathed life to their characters and made them their very own. I, for one, am looking towards more.

  5. Juan Torres says:

    Vince Vaugn is a really tall guy coz i have seen him in person.-';

  6. Gussie Pesce says:

    Perfectly the situation was initially a great run whilst it lasted but yet possibly not a jolt to discover Usa Soccer lose at this specific state. We could try out once far more in 4 years.

  7. i saw vince vaugn in person and this guy is really tall"*.

  8. vince vaughn's height is very impressive and he is a handsome guy too,-*

  9. Unhappy for the brobdingnagian , but I'm rattling charmed the new Zune, and comic this, as vessel as the reviews any otherwise group get backhand, faculty meliorate you end if it's the honourable choice for you.

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