MySpace Hoax drove teen to suicide

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5 Responses

  1. Ivan says:

    Hi, my name is disman-kl, i like your site and i ll be back 😉

  2. DM says:

    The Megan Meier suicide is indeed a horrific tragedy and my deepest sympathy goes out to her parents. We raise our children to be peaceful, loving individuals and guide them in making decent friendships and relationships. This poor little girl was such an unknowing victim of insanely cruel people. How can anyone do that??????

    Apparently there aren't any charges that can be brought against these people – which is just beyond belief. The fact that children have gotten so caught up in cyber-bullying is one thing (and should be totally addressed and squelched), but the fact that a PARENT participated in this – well, that is another matter all together. What the hell were they thinking??? Who does this????

    It's bad enough that our children have gotten to this level – but we as responsible parents and educators can help to reverse that. But – an adult – fostering this kind of cruel, inhumane treatment – OF A CHILD????

    Again, who does that????

    And they call themselves a PARENT???

    What is the mental capacity of this "so-called" adult? Or, better yet, is there a mental capacity of this "so-called" adult?

    There are just no words to describe these people. It is just totally bizarre. Our society has just gotten totally bizarre….

    Anyone can 'have' a child – that is a basic human function – but raising decent children – well, that takes a person with morals, values, a brain and a soul.

    I think there should be a law all right – one NOT ALLOWING THESE PEOPLE TO REPRODUCE!!!!!!!

  3. Dj T,DoT says:

    I think every has lessons to be learned but takin away the right to reproduce is ott… r.i.p. Ha heart feels 4 their fam ya get me bless .1.

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