PHP function for Javascript redirect
The following code is basically JS, but has been made into a PHP function so that it could be invoked with different parameters as per our needs.
function js_redirect($url, $seconds=5) {
echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
echo "<!-- hide code from displaying on browsers with JS turned off\n\n";
echo "function redirect() {\n";
echo "window.location = \"" . $url . "\";\n";
echo "}\n\n";
echo "timer = setTimeout('redirect()', '" . ($seconds*1000) . "');\n\n";
echo "-->\n";
echo "</script>\n";
return true;
js_redirect(,1); //Redirects to in 1 second.
Eg Usage :
js_redirect(,5); //Redirects to Google after 5 seconds.
what is this code? please say more about that
thanks a lot
Hi toraj,
Sorry about that. It's a JavaScript echoed using PHP so that the destination URL and time before redirection could be called dynamically..
Eg :
js_redirect (,5); //Redirects to Google after 5 seconds.
js_redirect (,15); //Redirects to after 15 seconds.
hello thinkdj
so can i direct with this code myweblog to website ?
I think the best for you would be a simpler META tag
<code><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL ="></code>
Just add this in the within the <head> </head> of your html. Change 0 to an integer value for time to wait before redirecting..
You could also view the source of the following page for another JS redirect:…
Haha. It's funny.
this ain't working…
i guess you can make it as simple as this:
function js_redirect($url, $seconds=1)
echo '';
echo 'function redirect() {';
echo 'window.location = "' . $url . '";';
echo '}';
echo 'timer = setTimeout("redirect()", "' . ($seconds*1000) . '");';
echo '';
return true;
oh wtf.. nevermind. the code is being messed up by the blog.
great working thanks for sharing…