Six-toed Oprah ?

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29 Responses

  1. Well when i first saw it i thought to myself wow its true what the old lady in the bus told me she said " dear people who have an extra finger or an extra toe are special creations like you and i,but the diffrance is they specially picked by GOD to do beautiful things on this earth to match their soul" some thing along those lines. I thought the little old lady had lost her mind, but she was right. Oprah is the most beautiful person I have ever seen ( besides my mom " love you mom") and her beautiful soul personifies it. So it does not surprize me that she has six toes I am just glad that it confirms the old ladu's words. Bolliwood star Rhitik Rawson has six fingers on his right hand, but that doesn't change the fact that his as fine as always.

    Angle Oprah You are the light ( blessed with six toes)

    from some one who cares about you.


  2. Well when i first saw it i thought to myself wow its true what the old lady in the bus told me she said " dear people who have an extra finger or an extra toe are special creations like you and i,but the diffrance is that they're specially picked by GOD to do beautiful things on this earth to match their soul" some thing along those lines. I thought the little old lady had lost her mind, but she was right. Oprah is the most beautiful person I have ever seen ( besides my mom " love you mom") and her beautiful soul personifies it. So it does not surprize me that she has six toes I am just glad that it confirms the old lady's words. Bolliwood star Rhitik Rawson has six fingers on his right hand, but that doesn't change the fact that his as fine as always.

    Angel Oprah You are the light ( blessed with six toes)

    from some one who cares about you.


  3. Bart says:

    Oprah is wearing Flip Flops!
    SO WHAT?!
    I think its even cool!

  4. Zackery says:

    Hey so what Oprah has six toes i dont care she's still awesome, she'd be even more awesome if she gave me a car "hint, hint". But seriously who'd want to know that if its true or false i'm cool with it. This is to all the closet oprah watches out there, especially the guys. dudes lets unite in suporting oprah oh sh*t i sound like a girl. You rock OPrah

  5. KittyBaby says:

    Look AGAIN, please; it's the side of her foot (matches the same hue/saturation of coloring on the side of the heel where it squeezes out from underfoot when she weights it) notice there is no toenail on it? If she had 6 toes, we'd all have already known about it.

  6. Mishap says:

    It's the side of her foot. Duh.

  7. Christina says:

    immature picture.

    of course thats not 6 toes

    that her bone sticking out


  8. Olivia says:

    Im happy! Thank god there is something finally WRONG about Oprah besides the fact that she SUCKS!!!! ewwww major oprah hater!

  9. Ben Dover says:

    OMG!! I really don't think she has 6 toes. Any person would know that. That's the bottom part of your FOOT!!

    What a bunch of CRACKHEADS!! SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!! THINK!! Use your common sense!!!

    suck it TARDS!!

  10. ineeda hooka says:


  11. PEN-ISLAND says:




  13. Obama says:

    lame lame lame, that just the bottom of her foot

  14. Barry Hott says:

    what, she has an extra toe and no toenail? get a clue its not a toe. duh!

  15. touchy the clown says:


  16. Donald Trump says:

    that is sooooooooooo lame, and by the way, YOUR FIRED!!!!!

  17. doodle3 says:

    Just one more toe to suck, then.:)

    • Tracy says:

      I cant understand why she never got her feet done with all the money she has. I KNOW her feet bother her in them damn shoes!

  18. i know someone with 4

  19. The Dude says:

    it's a callus, not a toe. You can tell be the back of her foot; a natural occurrence for everyone who uses their feet. Although, the reason why it bulges out is probably due to her weight.

  20. The Dude says:

    Also, the pigmentation is due to the lack of melanin in peoples palms of hands and the soles of feet, it gives off the appearance of the "sixth toe" I suppose. I don't even think the picture was altered. Honestly, I don't see how people can so easily overlook these details and say that it's fake, the person who created this just wanted hits, or perhaps they actually believed she had an extra appendage? That would be rich.

  21. Bored Kent says:

    couldnt she use some a her money to get rid of one ? LMAO

  22. sheeba says:

    that is God creation

  23. anonimous says:

    Oh Please, give me a break, where do you come up with things like that, I can't believe that you left everything else and lookes to her "six" toes that is really profesisonal and breaking news, you should really go international with it :p
    Oprah is one of the few amazing people in this world, she is one of those who make us look and say oh wait there is still purity and love in this world

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  27. That's kind of weird …

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