Spider-Man Web of Shadows Minimum System Requirements

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8 Responses

  1. I've added your feed so I could check out further posts from you. Definitely anticipating additional posts on this topic. Thanks for such an interesting blog!

  2. Miandad says:

    Hi buddy

    tell me is spiderman web of shadows run on my pc my pc system requirements are

    80gb harddisk 1 gb ram 1.8 intel R processor and 128mb nvidia video card?

  3. Miandad says:

    I have ati radeon 9700 agp 128mb video card with pixel shader 3.0……….. Is spiderman web of shadows runs on my pc? Mail me my id is [email protected]

  4. Jhon says:

    HÄ° I spiderman web of shadows installing but doesn't video card.

    :(( help me!!!!!!

  5. Udix says:

    @Miandad.You're PC is too weak.You need 2 gb ram 512 mb video card and you must have Dual Core Processor:).Sorry!

  6. norman says:

    how to work web of shadows with lower end systems

  7. flapjacj says:

    i can play with 1gb ram procesor intel dual cpu 2.20ghz and video card 128mb with shader model2.0?

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