The death of Yahoo! 360

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3 Responses

  1. Dimmka says:

    Спасибо за статью оказалась очень полезной.

  2. Robbie Keij says:

    Shame on you Telecom New Zealand, as I have been a member of yahoo USA for over twenty years and informed people globally about the do's and Don'ts on the internet I find that the transfer from yahoo 360 most inadequate.

    firstly I get the above letter in my inbox and comply to the letters request only to recieve a picture of what my yahoo 360 page looked like without the references to links I'd placed upon the yahoo 360 page or any of the other relivant information I had placed there including a poorly designed way to inform my contacts from yahoo 360 that the page was being discontinued ( one at a time), Being an IT tech without falling for the Bill Gate or windows hype about training and understanding of computer systems, I managed to text message all my contacts from the yahoo instant messenger so they could stay in touch with me by sending a text message to each "group" I'd made in the yahoo messenger and that made it a bit easier to handle but I'm sure many people in this dilemma are still trying to grab hold of there friends as fast as they can before the whole yahoo 360 turns belly up, and they are inadvertantly cut off from all the friends they have made using the yahoo 360 service.

    For the life of me I don't know why the yahoo 360 page was not just transfered to the clients page (in a sub folder for example) as that is where everyone started off in the first place.

    And after finding my Yahoo page hacked to send me to the unfriendly YAHOO-XTRA I was even more displease to find that Telecom Xtra "the new Zealand branch" had done all this hacking of yahoo usa to try to get me to sign up with telecom xtra ISP and make me turn my back on my ISP telstra-clear with whom I've got my telephone, internet protocol service and a two year contract for my mobile phone (all running through the telecom exchange) it's not exactly what I'd call fair play in these days of commercialising VOIP to make people whom know better (and don't know better) pay for a single service running over the telephone lines as a duel service at more then twice the rate of charges.

    Why does my telephone not link up with my computer like my mobile phone does (can but doesn't)?

    why do I pay for internet avalibility as a seperate service, and yet it's all combined over the one telephone line, albeit at a different code base run at a different frequency.

    Well it's just so that telecom can make two charges for a single service (or is that three services telephone, internet protocol and mobile phone) what a rip off and it's gone on long enough and should be rectified immediately.

    Get a life Telecom NZ

    I know about the VOIP summit that was held to make up this bogus service and you should be getting sued to the hilt for the deception your making to the wider community of the global internet protocol, telephone and mobile phone world.

    It's definatly classed under the law as fraudulence and should be stopped immediatly by the wider community, and all those responsible should be held accountable through the rights of FREEDOM of SPEECH laws now inforce around the world.

    your just playing on the gullibility of new computer users and your in no way fooling any people that has even a small inkling of all computers capabilities.

    And your telling your staff to hush up about the fraudulent deception that is making you billions of dollar from the same VOIP ploy.

    Now is the time to copy and paste this letter to all your ministers of parliament globally as I am doing right NOW!

    under the heading of "global communication deception"

  3. Its a pity I like their 360 initiative. It seems to me like Yahoo is going down since they work together with Bing…

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