Turn off autorun on USB Drives

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28 Responses

  1. pipi says:

    thanks for sharing this to us!

  2. shyam says:

    hi,it took me only a minute to solve this problem the way you have shown.thanks a lot

  3. Danny says:

    Oh thank you for this. The last solution to turning off autorun (for cds) that I found involved editing the registry by hand. This solves that too and was much easier (and safer).

    Thank you.

  4. thinkdj says:

    This is actually very useful. It completely eliminates the chances of autorun viruses infecting your PC ..

    But most of the autorun viruses run when you double click the Drive icon from Windows Explorer or even right click and select Explore.

    There is a workaround for that. Turn off all autoruns as mentioned in the post. Insert the USB drive and do NOT open it from My Computer.

    Instead, hit WINKEY+E to start explorer.exe. Then click on the USB drive from the left hand Tree. This will not run the virus mentioned in the autorun.inf, but directly displays the content of the drive.

    If you have your windows settings turned to "Show hidden files", you can see the hidden infected files and delete them along with the autorun.inf

  5. corrado says:

    Thanks a lot i have been looking for a clean solution to this for long…

  6. wplay12 says:

    Is anybody know how to turn-off Autorun/Autoplay when double click on USB drive in Windows Explorer?

  7. digitalpbk says:

    but this still invokes autorun if you double click the device from my computer?

    • vnog says:

      i can't believe that you still continue to double click your flash drive the fact that you know it still runs the autoplay. instead of double clickin' your flash disk, why don't you just right click on it then click on explore. basically the same but it won't use the autorun function.

  8. xxx says:

    umm can anybdy hlp me on how to turn off da autorun…….iv use da usb passwrd but it can stil open my usb by autorun….iv test it in my sis laptop….n it work….hlp plzzz

  9. baboysai says:

    this only works for XP pro right? it can't work for XP home.

  10. IMRAN says:

    sir can u make any programme that we save in usb and any pc that was infacted didnt create autorun in usb ? if it possible so plz reply thank u

  11. Carol says:

    hey thanks a lot

  12. jasun says:


    Open Notepad and copy/paste the following into a text file:


    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionIniFileMappingAutorun.inf]


    Save the file as something.reg. (You have to be sure to change the "Save File as Type" to "All Files" before saving, or Windows will try to save it as a .txt even if you typed in .reg.


    Locate the file you just saved and double-click the file to run it. You will receive a prompt asking if you want to add the data to the registry. Click yes to allow the modification.


    The above method nulls any request for autorun.inf and works on XP Home or Pro, as well as Windows Vista. Credit for this tip goes to Nick Brown.

  13. bub says:

    ooooooooooo………………wat a way 2 solve

  14. Tapu says:

    thanks brother >>><<< good shearing

  15. Concerned says:

    jasun says:

    March 30, 2010 at 8:57 pm


    Open Notepad and copy/paste the following into a text file:


    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionIniFileMappingAutorun.inf]

    @=”@SYS:DoesNotExist” (Does the quotes go with that?) example at the end (DoesNotExist” <—these). Mine doesn't seem to work. i still get autoplay. And i can't find it nowhere in settings. I'm using XP home edition. I even use the right click options on the drive it's self and i still get autoplay

  16. vipul says:

    thanks !! it was helpful..

  17. Thank you really much for the game assessment. I believe I will need to head out to buy it the day after tomorrow!

  18. Greg says:

    This method works on CD-ROM or HDDs however I am still haveing problems with external USB Drives

  19. malik azaz says:

    this is really a bestow for me.i can never find words for thanks

  20. anik says:

    it really works.

  21. usman says:


  22. Save the file as something.reg. (You have to be sure to change the "Save File as Type" to "All Files" before saving, or Windows will try to save it as a .txt even if you typed in .reg.

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