WordPress Contact Form with AntiSpam Challenge
Add a contact form on your wordpress blog. The advantage of this particular plugin is that it comes with an anti-spam challenge question. This means no spam mails in your inbox from bots.
Download the WordPress Contact Form with Spam Protection.
Upload it to the plugins directory and activate it. To bring up the contact form, you may follow one of the following methods :
- The easiest option is to build a Contact Page and insert the following in the content of the page. (Note: Sometimes WP inserts line breaks unnecessarily. So, goto “code” view in your editor and paste the following line)
- If you would rather like to insert the code into your template [php code] enter the following code where you’d like the contact form:
<?php wpcontactform ?>
Is it effective? Because wordpress is notorious for being spammed. My friend suggested to use b2evolution. It is based on wordpress itself.
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