WordPress Image watermark plugin

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5 Responses

  1. Marekki says:

    Today Marekki’s Watermark PlugIn – Project has been moved to the new domain. The number of bloggers who are interested in this plug-in makes it necessary to move the project to its own domain with its own name <a href="http://www.wp-watermark.com” target=”_blank”>www.wp-watermark.com. I hope you enjoy this site.


  2. Dampfmaschine says:


    i use Marekkis Watermark Plugin too. I like this and i'm waiting for the new version.

    greetings from switzerland


  3. jon says:

    Hello, I like other wordpress users would prefer to download from wordpress.org, why your plugin is not there?

  4. Kim Wolfe says:

    This plugin does not currently work for 3.0. I hope Marekki updates it soon.

  5. it's a great plugin to put watermarks in your pictures, but since the last wp. 3.0 update it doesn't work anymore! 🙁 tryed to fix it with the given code in the comments at wp-watermark.com, but doesn't work

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