Is XP better than Vista ?

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21 Responses

  1. Nirmal says:

    Very good post…

    I feel XP is better than Vista too. Vista is so resource hungry

  2. Thomas says:


    vista is a resource hog i bought a vista computer with 2g ram and it is super slow i was shocked i love my XP!

  3. john says:

    I think Windows Vista is the best

    Because support for Windows XP until 2014 only

    So u have to trust Windows Vista Forever

  4. XPUser says:

    wat is resource hungry? and nice post ^^ xp rules

  5. BlackPuma says:

    I totally agree.

    Windows Vista might look superior, but when it comes to compatibility it's a complete disaster. Especially with games, there were multiple games where I had to go trough dozens of forums to get them to work, and some didn't work at all.

    Vista only works perfectly for those who buy only the newest software. I don't understand why they don't just take Windows XP, and work up from there. XP is lightweight, reliable and simple.. and I for one, would love to see Windows XP extension packs, in stat of new Windows's if they're going to be like Vista.

    But that's just me..

  6. Lorenz says:

    Nothing but tears with Vista. I should be criminal to exploit the innocent. And then run to the bank.

  7. Chita says:

    I love XP and I Hate Vista..Vista missed up!! I always get trouble on Vista..XP is Simple and reliable…

  8. Shivam says:

    You are absolutely rite bcoz in vista games run slowly.

  9. Shivam says:

    In vista games run very slowly and every game special sys. req. for Vista

  10. Nishant says:

    I think windows7 will change everyone opinions.

  11. Vista FU (new OS) says:

    i have a vista, an XP,and an iMac.

    iMac gets 5 stars

    XP gets 4.5 stars

    Vista gets -10 stars!

    at first vista seems obviously superior, untill the glitches, disconnections, blue screens, black screens. and red screens come. then youy figure out its now compatible with anything exept itself, not even older versions of windows! XP is the best, it may not be quite as fast as macs but it is comatible with almost anything, and games are easy to play on it. GO XP. DEATH TO VISTA. i wonder if windows 7 will be any good, lets hope so

  12. whatever says:

    yea. xp rules. vista is super laggy and alot of game cannot play. i wish they did not come out with window vista. ass holes

  13. Martin says:

    Tried to use Vista for 16 months at home. Fed up with it. Tooooooo sllooooowwwwwwwwwww. My company uses XP for work and no issues at all….

    I just bought an OEM XP PRO and will install this over the Vista rubbish and smile again !!!.

    Vista = Rubbish.

  14. Marquise says:

    Wow you guys must have old computers with vista or something cause i just got a new Hp touchsmart comp and this Vista Runs so fast…Plus Why does everyone say alot of games dont work on vista? ive played many onlines games like champions online,grand chase,perfect world and so on.There hasnt been one game yet i couldnt play

    • Martin says:

      Old Computers ?… ummm … no…

      Lenovo ThinkCentre Intel Dual Core 2.4ghz with 4g ram complete with Vista 32 installed and even a little sticker on the outside that states 'Windows Vista'… some find Vista is Magic. The majority find it a dog ..

  15. karan says:

    I think that vista is quitely good from xp in graphics simple thing is that if you care your you should use xp sp2

  16. hanson says:

    dun know why vista run so slow like i just have 512mb ram? damn, so fed up with it. i think i gona downgrade my laptop to xp sp2. i support ANTI-VISTA

  17. Jake Lewis says:

    Windows Vista is good but it can hog your CPU and Memory.'~;

  18. Ali says:

    Liars! Vista is better than windows xp. I GO FOR WINDOWS VISTA!!!!!!

  19. Ali says:

    i love windows 7 is well

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