Yahoo! Emoticontest winners make it to Yahoo messenger 9

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14 Responses

  1. rach says:

    cool i luv the new emoticons…will u need to download a new yahoo messenger to get them or will you get them by just typing them??

  2. thinkdj says:

    hey rach !

    you'll need to get Y! messenger 9 for the new emoticons .

    You can get it from

  3. jasmine says:

    hey! i like the 'it wasn't me emoticon too, though it's hard to memorize the shortcut. can you make it more simple? lolz! nways congrats Eunice! 😀

  4. Buddy says:

    All 181 Yahoo! Messenger Emoticons, include many hidden emoticons in Web Messenger Version :

  5. Liezel says:

    how to use those emoticons?

  6. thinkdj says:

    hey Liezel

    These emoticons are a part of the new Yahoo Messenger 9, which can be downloaded from

  7. __r3d__ says:


    still rock u ..


  8. ReySquared says:

    I'm surprised that they didn't already have m/ ! That one's been around for a while…

    another good one (dunno if they already have it) is :{

    It's a mustache man!

  9. Aman says:

    Bekar Ghateya Jesne Bhe banaya becle hai vo pagal

  10. gabe117 says:

    are you a noob anyone knows how to use that

  11. basim ali says:

    danceing emoticon yahoo messenger

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