Tagged: facebook


Facebook pushing efforts to ‘Go Green’

Facebook was in the new last December when it partnered with Greenpeace for using renewable and sustainable sources of energy to power its mammoth server farms. Remember the Un-Friend Coal campaign by Greenpeace? Greenpeace has targeted...


Securely browse Gmail and Facebook

Browsing via HTTPS (HyperText Transport Protocol – Secure) combines the normal HTTP with SSL/TLS protocol and provides encrypted communications between the host (webserver) and the client(your PC). The advantage of using HTTPS is that no-one can...


Disable Facebook’s Automatic Facial Recognition

There’s one thing pesky about Facebook. Every time they come out with a new feature, it’s ‘enabled’ by default. It’s not always an opt-in. The latest one is FB automatically suggesting your friends on tagging your...


Find out who Unfriended you on Facebook

Who Deleted Me is Facebook app that, according to its author – does something which is largely agreed that Facebook itself should do: letting you know who has unfriended or deleted you. It is a known...

How to disable theatre mode in Facebook 0

Disabling Facebook’s Theater Mode for Albums

Facebook rolled out the ‘Theater Mode’, a fullscreen lightbox-like jQuery photo viewer for displaying photos and albums a while back. This was not taken well with the community. Here are a few ways to override the...


Facebook’s new “Buy with Friends” feature

Facebook is going to launch a new program “Buy with Friends” which will allow people to share purchases and deals with their Facebook friends according to Debra Liu, the Commerce Marketing Manager of FB. She’d announced...


Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a compiled list of available shortcuts for Facebook Power Users. The shortcuts differ slightly for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome. Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox Shift+Alt+1: Facebook’s homepage Shift+Alt+2: Your Facebook profile page Shift+Alt+3:...


Cityville beats Farmville on Facebook

When Cityville was released, it got over 60,000 users within the first 20 days. As of today, Farmville has a total user count of 13,357,004 and Cityville has raced it with 16,778,004 online users. The sudden...


Cityville Is Zynga’s Fastest Growing Game

Cityville – Zynga’s latest game managed to grab 300, 000 players in the first 24 hours of its launch! Cityville is now officially the fastest growing game to come out from Zynga’s stables. Zynga’s earlier hit...


Facebook Profiles: A New Look

Facebook has begun to provide an option [ Change it from here ] to upgrade your FB profile to the new look. Have a look at the features before upgrading as there is no option to...