Tagged: featured


Securely browse Gmail and Facebook

Browsing via HTTPS (HyperText Transport Protocol – Secure) combines the normal HTTP with SSL/TLS protocol and provides encrypted communications between the host (webserver) and the client(your PC). The advantage of using HTTPS is that no-one can...


Five Best DropBox Alternatives for Cloud File Hosting

It’s always a good idea to have your important data backed up on the cloud. And when you think of a web based cloud hosting service, DropBox would be the first thing that pops into mind....

dell streak mini 5 10

Roundup: Best Android phones available in India

Here is a roundup of the best android based smartphones available in the Indian Market today. They have been divided according to the price ranges: 32k-25k High-end expensive smartphones; 25k-15k High-end high priced and 15k-10k Budget...


Six Killer Tips for Amazing Gmail Productivity

Most of us use Gmail. So, here are a few tips that will definitely boost your Gmail productivity (if you haven’t done them already) Displaying only Unread mails in your Inbox Your unread mails might be...


Four Reasons why you MUST Switch to LastPass

LastPass would no doubt be the best discovery I’ve made in 2010 (thankyou, @sayseed). For those of you who have no clue what LastPass is, it’s a free cloud based password manager addon for your browser...

How to disable theatre mode in Facebook 0

Disabling Facebook’s Theater Mode for Albums

Facebook rolled out the ‘Theater Mode’, a fullscreen lightbox-like jQuery photo viewer for displaying photos and albums a while back. This was not taken well with the community. Here are a few ways to override the...

Alexa Redirect Breakdown 30

Alexa Redirect Breakdown

The requested URL /redirect was not found on this server. This is what comes when an Alexa Redirect URL is clicked, which is prefixed with ” http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect? “. It was working fine until yesterday .. damn...